The following study was conducted by Scientists from CHA Advanced Research Institute, CHA University, Seongnam, Gyunggi-do, Korea Graduated School of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Fertility Center of CHA Gangnam Medical Center, CHA University, Seoul, Korea; Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University, Seongnam, Gyunggi-do, Korea; Department of Radiation Oncology, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea; Department of Biotechnology, College of Life and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; New Drug Development Center, Osong Medical Innovation Foundation, Osong, Korea. Study is published in Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing as detailed below.
Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing (2020)
Cryopreserved Human Oocytes and Cord Blood Cells Can Produce Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer-Derived Pluripotent Stem Cells with a Homozygous HLA Type
- Human normal SCNT-PSC line with homozygous HLA type is derived from both donated cryopreserved oocytes and cord blood cells
- SCNT-PSC derivation is improved by modified method using ESC-conditioned medium
- Differentiated functional cells from SCNT-PSC with homozygous HLA type have shown immunocompatibility in humanized mouse with a matching HLA type
- This SCNT technology facilitates the establishment of the human HLA-matched SCNT-PSC bank
Human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) may be an important source for regenerative medicine. The low derivation efficiency of stem cells and the accessibility of human oocytes are the main obstacles to their application. We previously reported that the efficiency of SCNT was increased by overexpression of H3K9me3 demethylase. Here, we applied a modified derivation method to the PSC line and first obtained human SCNT-PSC lines derived from both donated cryopreserved oocytes and cord blood cells with a homozygous human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. The SCNT-PSCs have very similar characteristics with embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and additionally have shown immunocompatibility in an in vitro and in vivo humanized mouse with a matching HLA type. Our study demonstrates that SCNT technology using donated cryopreserved oocytes and cord blood cells with a known HLA type provides a promising method for establishing a human HLA-matched SCNT-PSC bank for regenerative medicine.
Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing
Lee, J. E., J. Y. Lee, et al. (2020). “Cryopreserved Human Oocytes and Cord Blood Cells Can Produce Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer-Derived Pluripotent Stem Cells with a Homozygous HLA Type.” Stem Cell Reports 15(1): 171-184.