The following study was conducted by Scientists from Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Study is published in iScience Journal – Cell Press Publishing as detailed below.
iScience Journal – Cell Press Publishing (2020)
Molecular and Immunological Diagnostic Tests of COVID-19 – Current Status and Challenges
1 COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of fast, accurate diagnostics.
2 Molecular test are gold standard for initial COVID-19 confirmation.
3 Immunoassays provide complementary information on ongoing and past infection.
4 New innovations are emerging for faster, point-of-care COVID-19 detection.
Rapid spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is ravaging the globe. Since its first report in December 2019, COVID-19 cases have exploded to over 14 million as of July 2020, claiming more than 600,000 lives. Implementing fast and widespread diagnostic tests is paramount to contain COVID-19, given the current lack of an effective therapeutic or vaccine. This review focuses on a broad description of currently available diagnostic tests to detect either the virus (SARS-CoV-2) or virus-induced immune responses. We specifically explain the working mechanisms of these tests and compare their analytical performance. These analyses will assist in selecting most effective tests for a given application, for example, epidemiology or global pandemic research, population screening, hospital-based testing, home-based and point-of-care testing, and therapeutic trials. Finally, we lay out the shortcomings of certain tests and future needs.
iScience Journal – Cell Press Publishing
URL: https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(20)30596-4
Kilic, T., R. Weissleder, et al. (2020). “Molecular and Immunological Diagnostic Tests of COVID-19: Current Status and Challenges.” iScience 23(8): 101406.