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Database of Clinical Studies utilizing Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Products

By 10th November 2020No Comments

The following study was conducted by Scientists from Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; BCRT – Berlin Institute of Health Center for Regenerative Therapies, Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies, Charite´ Universita¨tsmedizin Berlin, Germany; International Stem Cell Banking Initiative, UK; National Stem Cell Resource Centre, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Innovation Academy for Stem Cell and Regeneration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Study is published in Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing as detailed below.

Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing (2020)

A Manually Curated Database on Clinical Studies Involving Cell Products Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells


  • Establishment of a database for clinical studies based on pluripotent stem cells
  • 54 clinical studies identified from public sources
  • Majority of studies based on embryonic stem cells
  • Strong increase in studies based on induced pluripotent stem cells in last 2 years


The last 5 years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of clinical studies based on human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). In parallel, concern is increasing about the proliferation of unregulated stem cell treatments worldwide. Regulated clinical testing is a de facto standard to establish the safety and efficacy of new cell therapies, yet reliable information on clinical studies involving hPSCs is scattered. Our analysis of a multitude of resources found 54 clinical studies involving several types of hPSCs, which are performed in ten countries. While the majority of those studies is based on human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), clinical studies involving human induced pluripotent stem cells increased more strongly in the past 2 years than the number of hESC-based studies. A publicly accessible database was created using the human pluripotent stem cell registry ( platform, providing a steadily updated comprehensive overview on hPSC-based clinical studies performed worldwide.


Stem Cell Reports Journal – Cell Press Publishing



Kobold, S., A. Guhr, et al. (2020). “A Manually Curated Database on Clinical Studies Involving Cell Products Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.” Stem Cell Reports 15(2): 546-555.